Mark Your Calender for April 20th @ 11:30 am PST | 2:30 pm EST for a 4-hour transformational retreat!

Break free from limitations & unlock boundless potential

Find serenity, balance, & clarity amidst chaos

Embrace purpose, direction, & profound growth with the Divine



Are you an ambitious, faith-led professional seeking to break free from limitations, quiet the chaos of life, and discover the transformative power of divine guidance?

Do you ever feel stuck in life, unable to break free from the limitations holding you back?

Are your searching for a deeper connection with your faith and a clearer path to your true potential?

Our virtual retreat is designed exclusively for you – ambitious, faith-led individuals eager to unlock their full potential and experience profound growth and fulfillment.

Imagine a retreat where you can disconnect from the chaos, strengthen your faith, and easily connect with divine guidance. Picture yourself embracing a life filled with purpose, clarity, and limitless possibilities.

Don’t miss out on this transformative opportunity. Secure your spot at the ‘Soar Beyond Stuck’ 4-hour Virtual Retreat, where you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection like never before.

You are not alone!

Let us help you soar!

Your SOAR Facilitators

Susan Flerchinger & Pauline Victoria

Pauline and Susan both have firsthand knowledge and experience of what it looks like when we partner with God in every aspect of life. We are honored to share our gifts, energy and process to support you on your journey to greatness.

As a Vibrant Energy Engineer, Susan Flerchinger brings her energy healing gifts and divinely guided messages to empower heart-centered visionaries to be free of pain and ignite vibrant energy so they can live a thriving, joyful, active, impactful life.

Inspirational Thought Leader and Courage Coach, Pauline Victoria desires to help you live a life of victory. She draws from her experiences and perspective as a woman born without arms and legs and applies them to help entrepreneurs identify and breakthrough what is really stopping them from achieving their goals.

Through intimate and transformational connections with Pauline and Susan, you will be inspired to step into your gifts and fulfill your God appointed purpose.


Who This Is For

Are you a corporate climber seeking a deeper sense of purpose? Do you yearn to discover your true passions and strengths to create a more meaningful life? Join us to unlock your potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Are you a mompreneur juggling multiple responsibilities? Do you struggle to manage your time, overcome self-doubt, and achieve your entrepreneurial goals? Our retreat offers the mindset and strategies you need to thrive both personally and professionally.

Have you experienced burnout and are seeking to regain your energy and find balance? Do you long for a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle that aligns with your values? Join us to recharge, rejuvenate, and rediscover joy in life.

Are you considering a career transition but feel unsure where to start? Do you crave clarity and a plan to transition into a field that brings you joy and fulfillment? Our retreat provides the support and guidance you need to make your career dreams a reality.

Results to Expect

* Safe, sacred space and community

* Disconnect from the chaos and noise of a too busy life

* Unlock the power of transformative divine dialogue

* Discover the divine within you and the angels that are ready to help 

* Experience the support of encouraging, uplifting, faith-led facilitators 

From Limitations to Boundless Potential

Experience a transformative journey that liberates you from feeling stuck and limited. Discover the tools to unlock your boundless potential and seize new opportunities. Receive messages and guidance from the Divine, empowering you to create the life you desire.

Serenity, Balance, & Clarity Amidst Chaos

Learn practical strategies to navigate the chaos of your busy life with grace and ease. Cultivate serenity, balance, and clarity, allowing you to thrive in any situation. Connect deeply with the Divine, receiving messages and guidance that provide strength and direction.

Embrace Direction, Purpose, & Profound Growth

Gain the confidence to make decisions aligned with your true path, knowing where your life is headed. Experience profound growth, fulfillment, and inner peace as you receive divine messages and insights that illuminate your journey.

Here’s What You’ll Get

🌌 Welcome and Preparation

Step into the spiritual realm as we prepare our sacred space and set the stage for an immersive experience that goes beyond the limits of the everyday.

🧘‍♂️ Disconnect to Reconnect

You are invited to disconnect from the chaos of your busy life. Through guided meditation and visualization, quiet your mind, release stress, and create a sacred space for profound engagement with the Divine.

🔮 Strengthen Your Intuition

Embark on self-awareness activities that strengthen your intuition and lay the foundation for transformative communication with God and the Angels. Discover the divine within you and unlock the power of transformative dialogue.

😇 Connect with Angels

Learn the magnificent roles of angels and how to tap into these invaluable resources for clarity, guidance, and manifestation. The angels await your connection.

🌈 Receive Divine Guidance

Listen to the whispers of wisdom from the Divine. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of connecting with God’s guidance, offering clarity and direction for your unique journey.

✨ Divine Integration

Uncover your next steps on this journey of self-discovery and divine connection, equipped with the tools to soar beyond stuck and embrace a life of unlimited potential.

Right now you are struggling with …

* Feeling Stuck and Limited: You may be facing a sense of stagnation, where life’s challenges have left you feeling trapped and unable to progress towards your goals.

* Overwhelm from a Busy Life: The constant chaos and busyness of daily life might be leaving you stressed and drained, with little time to focus on your spiritual and personal growth.

* Lack of Clarity and Direction: Uncertainty may be clouding your path, making it challenging to discern your life’s purpose and direction, leaving you feeling lost.

* Disconnected from Divine Guidance: You may yearn for a stronger connection with your faith and divine guidance, but find it challenging to access that source of wisdom and support.

* Desire for Fulfillment: A deep longing for a life filled with profound growth, purpose, and fulfillment may be urging you to seek a transformational experience that goes beyond your current reality.

Take a Breath!

  Imagine if…

* You could break free from the chains of feeling stuck and limited, and instead, you were filled with a sense of boundless potential and opportunity.

* The chaos of your busy life no longer overwhelmed you, but instead, you had the tools to find serenity, balance, and clarity in the midst of it all.

* You could wake up every day with a clear sense of purpose and direction, knowing exactly where your life was headed.

* Your connection with divine guidance was so strong that you felt guided and supported in every decision, big or small.

* Your life was filled with the profound growth, fulfillment, and inner peace you’ve been yearning for.

SOAR Beyond Stuck

is ready for you

Join us for this transformational virtual retreat

on Saturday April 20th at 11:30 am – 3:30 pm PST (2:30 pm – 6:30 pm EST) 

for the low introductory price of $297

Break free from limitations & unlock boundless potential

Find serenity, balance, & clarity amidst chaos

Embrace purpose, direction, & profound growth with the Divine

What if this was better than you can imagine?

Unlock Your Potential with Divine Dialogue Guides

Elevate your journey with our spiritual awakening guides designed specifically for you. These resources serve as your roadmap to nurturing a deeper connection with God, fostering clarity, purpose, and resilience on your visionary path. Experience the transformative power of open conversations with the divine as you navigate the challenges and triumphs of personal and professional life. Embrace faith for more fulfillment, impact and success.